Springtime in Texas is synonymous with wildflowers. And what better-known wildflower to celebrate in Texas than the Bluebonnet? The crazy winter weather in the South caused the Bluebonnets to have a less-than-stellar appearance, but we made it work!
These four kiddos were so sweet as they carefully maneuvered around the Bluebonnets. It's tricky business to take pictures in the Bluebonnets without destroying them and they were very conscious of where they sat and stepped. As they looked around them, they also found that they were surrounded by ladybugs! Everyone knows ladybugs are a welcome sight in a garden, but in this field of grass and flowers, they were the thing that really drew the kids' attention. Sometimes I wish I were more like them. Stopping to notice the little things around us that can bring us joy.
I know these four awesome kids bring a lot of joy to their parents, and I found so much joy in photographing them. They are all so sweet and I always love any opportunity to get to know them better!